De-Desk Yourself: Chair Yoga and Breathwork – Lee Bloomfield

Online Event

De-Desk Yourself: Chair Yoga and Breathwork Workshop with Lee BloomfieldThrough mindful movements, breathwork, and targeted stretches, you'll discover greater freedom and ease in your body. Each session offers a soothing [...]

Healing from Developmental Trauma – Kate Williams

Online Event

Dissociation, Functional Freeze and the Fawning Response: Healing from Developmental Trauma Workshop with Kate WilliamsWhen trauma is experienced at a young age a child's identity and way of being in [...]

New Life and You: Understanding Birth Trauma – Kate Blakemore

Online Event

New Life and You: Understanding Birth Trauma Workshop with Kate BlakemoreThis workshop will provide an insight into infant loss covering: Miscarriage Still birth Medical Termination Ectopic PregnancyLearning Objective Participants Can [...]

Mental Health Frontiers: Psychedelics-Assisted Therapy – Lina Jan

Online Event

Mental Health Frontiers: Psychedelics-Assisted Therapy Workshop with Lina JanPsychedelics-assisted therapy research has reached, as Rick Doblin from MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) has put it, a critical mass, meaning [...]

Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse: The Male Survivors

Online Event

Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse: The Male Survivors Workshop with Del Beach-CampbellDel Beach-Campbell will explore why men and boys are less likely to come forward when seeking support around the [...]

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