PrEPared for PrEP

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PrEPared for PrEP

August 7 @ 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
This is a online event which we will be using Microsoft Teams
This short session provides a quick insight to the HIV prevention drug PrEP

Essex Sexual Health Service Outreach and Education team are part of Provide CIC who work with Essex Partnership University Trust, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, Healthy Living Partnership and SH:24 to form Essex Sexual Health Service.

Essex Sexual Health Service Outreach and Education team work on the frontline delivering sexual health promotion in a variety of settings, relationships and sexual health education to young people and educators supporting young people, and offer rapid HIV testing within the community.

PrEPared for PrEP –

Today there are more preventative methods to stop HIV transmission than ever before

‘PrEPared for PrEP’ is a short bitesized overview of one of the most recently available drugs that can be used by HIV negetative people to dramatically reduce the chances of a HIV transmission taking place.

PrEP is now freely available through the local sexual health services amd this session is ideal for those thinking of starting PrEP theirselves, or might be signposting others such as those that they support through their own professional services. This session also provides information about accessing local services.

Session length – 30 minutes

Further information [email protected]

Available to – Community Members and professionals in Essex

Venue – Microsoft Teams

Attending the Session

Joining details for the session will be sent within your booking confirmation email, along with an additional email/invite to notify you of your registration onto the meeting and will include the link to the meeting (same details as sent in the confirmation email). By selecting accept to this invite it will place this event in your calendar. Please ensure add this event to your calendar. Please check junk mail to ensure this message isn’t missed.

If you haven’t received details 2 hours before the session starts please contact us directly: [email protected]

You will be required to download the free ‘Microsoft teams’ programme to attend this training session and we recommend this is done well ahead of time to allow you to familiarise yourself with the programme. To download Microsoft Teams for free please visit:

Microsoft on the day:

Your camera and microphone will be turned on when you enter the session. You may be able to turn these off if you wish. We ask that you turn your microphone switched off throughout the training unless asking a question. You can also communicate using the ‘chat’ function.

You will be able to see and hear your trainer, please ensure the speakers on the devise you are using work ahead of time.

Essex Sexual Health Privacy notice

The information you provide to us on the order form will be used for the purposes reporting to those who have commissioned the service on details such as organisations that are accessing the training, job roles of those attending and areas within Essex that they are working in. For further information on how we use your data please refer to our privacy notice at

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August 7
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm


Online Event
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