Copy of Sex Therapy Training: From a Christian Perspective
Sex Therapy Training from a Christian Perspective
A Unique Training Opportunity, Saturdays, 8:00 am-12:00 pm
$150 per class!!! Therapist training Now Available Live On-Line !!!
Register Now! Registration closes 2 days prior to each course.
Are you looking for…
…then this training is for you. This course provides a practical theological integration of sexuality with specific therapeutic interventions. We will develop practical application models for addressing common sexual issues, and impart valuable information for helping clients with a variety of sexual concerns, including desire issues, sexual development, sexual abuse, sexual addiction, aging, and common sexual dysfunctions. Participants will be challenged in their own personal growth and gain skills for building their practices.
Who is this training for?
FOR LICENSED THERAPISTS, REGISTERED INTERNS, TRAINING THERAPISTS, AND STUDENTS who want to expand their comfort, skills, and knowledge in working with couples and individuals with sexual concerns and dysfunctions from a Christian perspective.
March 15th: Addiction and Sexuality
Sexual Addiction: Compulsivity and Cyber sexuality
Co-Addictions: Substance Addiction and Behavioral Addiction
Assessment of Sexual and Co-Addictions
Treatment of Sexual and Co-Addiction
April 12th: Gender, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity
Concepts of Masculinity and Femininity
Assessment of Gendered Issues and Gender Diagnoses (incl. DSM)
Development of Sexual Identity
Alternative Sexualities and Treatment
Genital Considerations: Intersex conditions and Genital Alterations
May 10th: The Sex Therapy Profession
Legal and Ethical Issues in Sexual Treatment and Research
History of Sexual Research
Identifying Evidence Based Treatments and Using Research in Treatment
Collaboration, Consultation, Professional Communication, and Certification
Codes of Ethics and Ethical Decision Making (incl. e-counseling)
Saturdays, 8AM-12PM / Cost: $150; 4 CEUs available for additional $20 course. Meets the qualifications for 4 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. The Center for Sexuality is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for Marriage and Family Therapists. The Center for Sexuality, #98793, maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. CEU certificates of completion awarded at the conclusion of the training. For questions regarding disability accessibility, refund and cancellation policy, and grievance policies: call 858-775-0500 or email [email protected].
Training provided at:
The Center for Sexuality at 12947 La Tortola San Diego, CA 92129.
CEU’S provided by:
The Center for Sexuality at 12947 La Tortola San Diego, CA 92129..
For questions regarding disability accessibility, refund and cancellation policy, and grievance policies: call 858-775-0500 or email [email protected].
Register Now! Registration Closes 2 days prior to each course.
My name is Dr. Jennifer Konzen
I have a doctorate of psychology in marriage and family therapy, am a licensed marriage and family therapist, and a certified sex therapist. I live in San Diego with my beautiful family. I have had the joy of working with couples, individuals, and families who come to see me for many different reasons. Many of those couples come to see me specifically for sexuality. I have been a parent educator, a marriage, parenting, and sexuality seminar and conference speaker, and yes, a Broadway showtunes performer (my undergraduate degree is in Musical Theater and Vocal Performance).
I have specialized training in certain areas of therapy as well. I am a certified Chemical Dependency Counselor, and I also have specialized training in eating disorders and play therapy. I am a certified Sex Therapist with the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists.
I am also a nationally award winning researcher, an international speaker, and an adjunct professor at Alliant International University, San Diego and Bethel Seminary, San Diego. I am the author of four books: The Art of Intimate Marriage, Redeemed Sexuality, The Ransomed Journey, and Graduated Intimacy: A Guided Intervention for Increasing Sexual Intimacy in Marriage.
Jennifer Konzen, PsyD, LMFT, CST
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, #MFT51241
Certified Sex Therapist
Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor
Director, Center for Sexuality
Dr. Jennifer Konzen can be contacted at: [email protected]