Sexology Blog

BDSM Disclosure and Stigma Management


The topic of disclosure of an interest in BDSM (an umbrella term for sexual interests including bondage, domination, submission/ sadism, and masochism) remains largely unaddressed in current resources. There is evidence that interest in BDSM is common (Renaud & Byers, 1999), often stigmatized, and that people hesitate to disclose it (Wright, 2006). [...]

BDSM Disclosure and Stigma Management2022-04-05T09:42:47-04:00

The Scientific Studies of Sexuality


Sexology is the scientific study of the individual & collective sexual being & behavior (procreation, relation and recreation) with a unique w-holistic, universal integralistic (bio-psycho-socio-cultural), inter-transdisciplinary (inter-transactional) theory. Sexology has its own methodology, and unique field of study, aimed at between & beyond the poles praxis theories as outcomes. [...]

The Scientific Studies of Sexuality2022-03-30T09:54:35-04:00

Salivary Testosterone, Sexual Function, & Behavior in Men & Women


Using data from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3) we examined associations between salivary testosterone (Sal-T) and sexual function and behavior. Single morning saliva samples were self-collected from a subsample of participants aged 18–74 [...]

Salivary Testosterone, Sexual Function, & Behavior in Men & Women2022-03-27T11:33:21-04:00

An Outline of Sexology


Sexology is the systematic study of human sexuality. Once stated, it is apparent that this definition oversimplifies. For one thing, in order to help understand human sexuality, sexologists find it necessary to study our sibling primates. This publication is an outline for those seeking a certification in Sexology. [...]

An Outline of Sexology2022-03-25T11:18:41-04:00

An Outline of Sexology by the American Board of Sexology


The sexological perspective develops out of awareness of the history of sexological discourse. At the beginning of this century, the pioneers of sexology mapped out a science that would explore every cultural, psychological and biological aspect of human sexual behavior from every conceivable viewpoint. [...]

An Outline of Sexology by the American Board of Sexology2022-03-25T10:35:44-04:00
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