
Unfaithful Lesbians: Hispanic Lesbians and Infidelity

A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the American Academy of Clinical Sexology (AACS)

by Anagloria Mora

210 pages

Abstract: This dissertation describes how Hispanic lesbians manage infidelity within their intimate relationships. Their perceptions, stories, and experiences are the focus of this study. This research is supported by a literature review on the following topics: the dynamics and characteristics of lesbian relationships including those of Hispanic lesbians; the myths and beliefs of Hispanics in general regarding gender roles, sexuality, and homosexuality; the historical perceptions of homosexuality and lesbianism; homosexual identity formation; lesbians’ perception and response to sexual and emotional infidelity and its effects on the duration of the relationship.

For further support and clarification of this study, the terms homosexual, lesbian, Hispanic, infidelity/affair/and cheating are defined as they are used within this dissertation.

Due to the difficulty in locating participants, the sample selection for this descriptive research design was obtained through a snowball sampling technique in Miami Dade County, Florida. The sample consisted of thirty-three foreign-born Hispanic lesbians, from the following countries: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Spain, Peru, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. All the participants were twenty years old or older. Ages of the participants ranged from 20 to 46 years. Their income level ranged from $20,000 to $100,000. Their level of education ranged from High School Graduate to Post Graduate School. Women who participated in the study have self-identified as Hispanics and as lesbians. For simplicity purposes of this project, project, religious affiliation was omitted. All participants have, or had been, in a live-in romantic sexual relationship for a minimum of one year, at the time their partners where unfaithful.

The researcher personally interviewed all participants. Participants were explained the purpose of the study and were assured their identities would be kept confidential. The participants were encouraged to answer the questions sincerely. The survey questionnaire was provided to the participants in English or in Spanish, as requested. The majority of the participants were fully bilingual and felt comfortable answering the questions in either language. However, some preferred to discuss and reveal emotional details in their mother tongue, Spanish.

The survey questionnaire included questions regarding demographics. In addition, the participants were asked questions regarding their definition of infidelity; their experience with infidelity; their initial reaction to the infidelity; the length of the relationship at the time infidelity occurred; if the primary relationship continued after the infidelity; and how being Hispanic influenced their managing of infidelity and their resulting decisions with regard to the relationship. Lastly, the participants were given the opportunity to openly share their experiences with the interviewer. This study presents descriptive data as provided. Data was gathered and a qualitative analysis was drawn from the responses as received and collected.
Due to the dearth of research and literature on the aforementioned topic, the purpose of this study is to extend research on Hispanic lesbians in further studies. Additionally, this study is aimed at providing more effective services within the mental health field in the practice of couples therapy with Hispanic lesbians.