Learn what it means to be a Certified Sexologist from an actual American Board of Sexology Board Certified Diplomate and a practicing therapist for well over 30+ years, Dr. Roger Libby, Ph.D., ABS
Sex Therapy is the application of professional and ethical skills to deal with the problems of sexual function of people. It assumes recognition of the concept that sexuality is of legitimate concern to professionals and that it is the right of individuals to expect expert knowledge when seeking remedies with sexual concerns. Sex Therapists and Clinical Sexologists focus their specialized skills to help individuals and/or couples to deal with their sexual concerns. Ask questions and learn more in our About Sex Therapy and the American Board of Sexology.
Sex Therapy is the application of professional and ethical skills to deal with the problems of sexual function of people. It assumes recognition of the concept that sexuality is of legitimate concern to professionals and that it is the right of individuals to expect expert knowledge when seeking remedies with sexual concerns. Sex Therapists and Clinical Sexologists focus their specialized skills to help individuals and/or couples to deal with their sexual concerns. Ask questions and learn more in our About Sex Therapy and the American Board of Sexology.
Sex-Ed Q & A Drop-In
Take advantage of this free, Q & A hour either in-person at Wildfires Bookshop or virtually through bit.ly/okcdropin!
Supershrinks: What Makes an Outstanding Therapist – Malcolm Stern
Supershrinks: What Makes an Outstanding Therapist Workshop with Malcolm SternDiscover the qualities that distinguish the most effective therapists in this insightful workshop led by Malcolm Stern. Delve into the traits,[...]
Understanding Men
How understanding men can lead to more harmonious relationshipsIn the Family of Women we believe that understanding the differences between men and women helps us be more successful in our[...]
Sex Trafficking…in our backyard.
Let's shine some light on a dark topic.Sex Trafficking in Our Back YardThis two hour workshop will explore the impact sex trafficking has on individuals and the community.
Sex-Ed Q & A Drop-In
Take advantage of this free, Q & A hour either in-person at Wildfires Bookshop or virtually through bit.ly/okcdropin!
Supershrinks: What Makes an Outstanding Therapist – Malcolm Stern
Supershrinks: What Makes an Outstanding Therapist Workshop with Malcolm SternDiscover the qualities that distinguish the most effective therapists in this insightful workshop led by Malcolm Stern. Delve into the traits,[...]
Understanding Men
How understanding men can lead to more harmonious relationshipsIn the Family of Women we believe that understanding the differences between men and women helps us be more successful in our[...]
Sex Trafficking…in our backyard.
Let's shine some light on a dark topic.Sex Trafficking in Our Back YardThis two hour workshop will explore the impact sex trafficking has on individuals and the community.
Certified Sexologist and Board Certified Diplomates:
Thru its attention to quality assurance to the public of Certified Sexologists and Board Certified Diplomates, the American Board of Sexology has grown its members steadily over the past 35 years. In the most recent renewal period, the board experienced the highest percentage of renewals of any similar period in our history. Certified Sexologists and Board Certified Diplomates have continued to maintain their certifications yearly and you will be with a solid, growing organization.
Thru its attention to quality assurance to the public of Certified Sexologists and Board Certified Diplomates, the American Board of Sexology has grown its members steadily over the past 35 years. In the most recent renewal period, the board experienced the highest percentage of renewals of any similar period in our history. Certified Sexologists and Board Certified Diplomates have continued to maintain their certifications yearly and you will be with a solid, growing organization.